a letter to aki in heaven

 Dear Aki,

I miss you a lot and wish I could see you one more time. I'm sorry I couldn't come home to say goodbye properly. Remembering the times we spent together makes me both happy and sad because we can't make new memories now. You were a big part of my childhood, and I'll always be grateful for your love and support.

When I was a kid, I remember when you visited, you always wanted to watch the news on TV. I loved visiting your small house and exploring your bedroom. You used to scold me and my brother when we made a mess in your kitchen. I miss your stories and jokes and the way you sang and danced just to entertain me and my younger brother. You were so funny, Aki.

I remember asking to sit on your lap and pretend like I'm riding a horse because you wouldn't let me ride on your back. I never realized that you were getting older, but you still played with me. You made me feel loved and special, and I will never forget that.

I know you're no longer with us, but I hope you're at peace now. You went through a lot. The last time I visited after coming back for the semester break, you didn't recognize me. You thought I was my sister and always asked how old I was, as if you didn't realize how much time had passed and that I'm now a growing young lady. You were such a kind and gentle soul, and I believe you've earned your place in heaven. I hope you're surrounded by loved ones and that you know how much you meant to us. The thought of you finally being able to stay with Ina makes me happy somehow.

Thank you for everything, Aki. You were an amazing grandfather, and I'll always remember the times we shared. I love you and will miss you always.

Rest in peace, Aki.

With love,